Day #67 (Thu., Mar. 11, 2010) – Consignment Sale

Little Katie slept in the swing from 12pm – 3pm. She really likes it. When she got up was she ever hungry.

2010-03-11 - Consignment Sale
2010-03-11 - Consignment Sale

My wife went to a baby consignment sale today, and little Katie was the beneficiary. It is semi-annual, and she went to the same event back in September, 2009. The photo on the right shows the list of “goodies” available…

Here is a list of the goodies that she got for little Katie:

1) A musical playmat.
2) A house with toy monkeys in it.
3) A toy Lamaze octopus with a mirror.
4) A toy fish with a spinning wheel.
5) Etc…

1) The stuff they make for babies knows no end…