Day #334 (Fri., Dec. 3, 2010) – Making A List…Checking It Twice
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Hard to believe it but we will be in Canada three weeks from today. Preparations in Canada are getting under way for the arrival of the Christmas Chipmunk… Here are a few of the emails crisscrossing back and forth across the border:
From my sister: My friend says she has a crib/playpen including sheets and blankets, high chair, umbrella stroller and maybe a push toy but she is checking that out. Someone else I know is looking for the soother at her house. Mom and I will look after the hooded towels, changing pads, bowls, blender. My friend did not have a bathing tub but she seemed to think that maybe Katie doesn’t need one. She baths her granddaughter in the regular tub. Can’t find a bottle heater but we can probably rig up something.
From my wife: A crib/playpen and high chair will be great! We are bringing our umbrella stroller with us – we will need it in the airports. Airlines let you take a stroller on the plane for free. Thanks for looking for the soother. If you don’t get it – it’s ok. 🙂 I was thinking about towels – maybe regular towels will do. I am sure Katie will love the freedom of a regular tub! Of course, we can bath her there. I can bring changing pads with us – they are very lightweight… For feeding Katie I use 6oz Corelle ramekins. If you have something like that, that would be great – otherwise, I can bring ours. If you don’t get a bottle heater, we can always use hot water for heating!
From my sister: I just had a thought. Any food that you want me to pick up for Katie, just send me a list, we should have all of it here and that way you won’t have to worry once you get here.
From my wife: That would be very helpful. I need to think about the list. 🙂 Can you get organic stuff? Like organic yogurts, cottage cheese, veggies? I think the Real Atlantic Superstore is selling “Earth’s Best” baby food. That’s what Katie is eating when we are out. Anyway – I’ll think of a list and whatever you cannot get, we’ll bring with us…

Looks like little Katie is going to be well taken care of.
Remember the playground down the road? Well, it has been torn down (see photo to the left). There is a new and improved one coming soon…just in time for little Katie to play on it…
My wife got another package from Lithuania today. It contained: a plush kitten, four books, woolen socks, a baby book to fill out, and a card for her birthday (next month).
As I was driving home this evening my wife gave me a call on my cell phone. Our little chipmunk is up and fussy, so we had to “hit the ground running”. When I drove into the driveway she was there with little Katie. We went for a drive around the neighborhood, then to Moe’s for supper.
1) Little Katie is causing quite a stir north of the border.