Day #19 (Fri., Jan. 22, 2010) – Baby Style
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7:45am – It’s another day in baby land. My wife was holding her and I poked my head in to say “Hi Baby”. She gave us both this warm inviting smile. She surely does recognize our voices and is getting more accustomed to her parents each and every day.

Remember I mentioned that a friend stopped by to see the baby on Tuesday? Well, I should mention another great little item she brought for the baby. Here it is (shown on the picture to the left)…a nice red hooded coat. Little Katie will be the “Princess Of The Party” showing some baby style when she shows up in this number…
My wife tells me that little Katie will be going to the next level in diapers soon. We have exactly 11 newborn diapers left and since she weighs almost 9 lbs we will be going to level #1. Exciting times…our little Katie is growing…
Little Katie just finished nursing and was lying back on her mother’s lap. She was smiling for quite a while and started to laugh. Wonder what the joke was?
It’s 7:21pm and my wife just got a package from a friend in Oregon. It included a lot of nice baby clothes, hooded towels and even some perfume for my wife. My it’s nice to have good friends…
1) How quickly babies grow!