Day #358 (Mon., Dec. 27, 2010) – Walking Between Items
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They have been talking about this major snowstorm that is working its way towards Nova Scotia. I woke up to about 3″ snow on the ground, but there is a rain/freezing rain combo coming down right now. Perhaps we have escaped the brunt of the storm.
Little Katie is continuing to munch on things other than organic food. She especially loves labels on toys and things (see photo to the left).
My sister took my wife to Sobey’s to do a bit of grocery shopping. She managed to get some organic yogurt for little Katie. I stayed home with my mother to entertain little Katie. She was fine for the most part, but got fussy just before my wife got home. I changed her (a #2) and fed her some yogurt, and my wife fed her as well. No avail…we ended up taking her for a drive. We drove all around Truro and when little Katie got up from her nap we drove home.
We were playing with little Katie this evening when she got up and balanced on my knees. She then took one of her hands and tried to navigate to my mother’s knees so that she could move over to her. My wife tells me that this is the last step before children walk totally unassisted. Won’t be long now.
Little Katie loves this Christmas box that plays “We Wish You A Merry Christmas” when you remove the lid. It’s not quite rectangular, but litle Katie managed to find the correct positioning and place the lid on top of the box this evening.
1) Little Katie is walking with assistance now.