Day #413 (Sun., Feb. 20, 2011) – Kitchen Cabinet Latches

We taped the Lawrence Welk Show last night and played it for Katie this morning. As soon as the theme music came on she gave a big broad-faced smile. She really likes the horn sections of the orchestra. In fact, it is the saxophone button on her toy computer that she plays the most.

2011-02-20 - Toy Train
2011-02-20 - Toy Train

I went to Trader Joe’s for groceries this morning. They were out of Goat’s Milk so I ended up at WholeFoods as well.

The photo to the right shows the toy train that was running overhead at Snyder Farm’s Restaurant yesterday. Katie sure loves her trains…not exactly sure why.

I put some latches on the kitchen cabinets this afternoon so that Katie can’t get into them. I had to go to Home Depot to get some screwdriver bits for my cordless drill. I put latches on the main cabinets under the sink so Katie can’t get into the dish detergent, etc. This was the top priority. I will put the latches on the other kitchen cabinets when I get a free minute.

We were going to do a Skype with my mother but the time just flew by.

1) Katie really loves the horn sections of orchestras.