Day #424 (Thu., Mar. 3, 2011) – Give Me A Cookie!!!
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I was telling Christina about how Katie said “thanks” after you gave her a cookie and guess who overheard the conversation…our hungry little chipmunk. She started to point at the cookie box on the cabinet shelf (see photo to the left) and screaming bloody murder!!!
When my wife asks Katie if she wants something to eat Katie will smile and go “tee hee”… She is sure eating a lot these days. When she came back from her stroll today she ate a whole jar of baby food… 4.5 ounces… This is quite a bit of food for Katie.
We got an inflatable dinosaur from the Dollar Store a few weeks ago. Katie saw me blowing it up the other day. My wife said that she saw her trying to blow it up this morning…via her head. She got the idea right…just not where to blow…
We gave Katie a bath this evening. I’ve been using a toy plastic yellow cup with a hole in the bottom to provide a “trickle” of water into the bathtub for her to play with. This evening she learned to scoop water into it and provide this “trickle” ourselves.
While Katie was in the tub she pointed to her toe and said “toe”…
1) Katie sure knows how to get a cookie.