Welcome to Baby-Comments.com

I would like to take the time to welcome you to Baby-Comments.com!
Katie is our precious little daughter.What Is Katie Into NowAs her father I have taken on the rather delightful little task of writing a blog post about her every day since the day she was born (see “Latest Posts” to the right).

In the course of this endeavor it has been truly fascinating to see how much she has grown and changed over the past few years. Having said that, I find I can get lost in all the “data” and it is sometimes nice to be able to go back and see just what she was doing on a particular day in the past.What Was Katie Doing Last YearSo, I have implemented a “Way Back” feature (if that is the correct terminology) to showcase exactly what Katie was doing one year ago at this time. You can read all about these exploits via “Last Year At This Time” feature shown to the right.

In the course of raising Katie we have purchased a number of items. Some toys we purchased we thought she would really enjoy but she barely took notice off. Other things that didn’t cost much and were an afterthought became the “hit of the party” so to speak. Anyway, we have come across some great products that either she has really enjoyed or we found made raising her so much easier.I thought others might benefit from this information and didn’t want it to go to waste, so I thought I would offer up our findings in the section “Our Product Reviews” (just follow the arrow).

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