Day #781 (Thu., Feb. 23, 2012) – Stuck In The Closet

2012-02-23 - Katie Painting
2012-02-23 - Katie Painting

The Real Estate agent gave us the option to stay in our house while we put it on the market but there is no way that we will be able to clean and stage it with Katie around… Take a look at our new budding artist in the photo to the right.

We have noticed that Katie is getting much more attached to my wife. If my wife is around Katie wants to be with her. When her television show is done in the bedroom she will rush out to the living room to get my wife to come and change the channel…all the while I could about two feet away from her.

All three of us were in the bedroom this evening when Katie decided that she would go into our closet and shut the door. Alas for our poor little chipmunk she could not turn the knob and get out. She said “I stuck”. Eventually I opened the door to let her out but she had a big smile on her face. I don’t think she learned her lesson…

1) Katie got stuck in the closet this evening.