Day #786 (Tue., Feb. 28, 2012) – First Pee Pee In The Potty
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No dance class for Katie this morning as she was too tired. She woke up at 7am.
I thought I would take the opportunity to show some of the clothes that Katie has been wearing as of late (see photo to the left). My wife picked them up at the Church Sale in downtown Cary.
When I got home from work this evening both my wife and Katie were asleep. It’s going to be a long night once Katie gets up.
9:41pm and Katie is in the bathtub right now. She sure loves her baths. My wife and I were wondering if that house we saw on the weekend will have a bathtub for Katie to splash about in. They don’t have any pictures of the bathrooms on their listing website. I guess we will find out tomorrow when we meet the Real Estate Agent there.
9:55pm – Katie was having a bath when she indicated to my wife that she had to go to the bathroom. My wife said how about we sit on the potty? Katie sat down and did a #1 in the toilet. This is the first time. I think she liked flushing the toilet even more…
I was tired so I laid down on the bed this evening. Katie came up to me and said “Wake up daddy”. She then started to tickle me on the nose and said “Tickle Tickle”.
1) Katie had her first “Pee Pee” in the toilet this evening.