Day #789 (Fri., Mar. 2, 2012) – Toothbrush Drawing


Katie went to pre-school today and made a toothbrush drawing and put stickers on it (see photo to the right). They played a game with a shopping cart as though they were shopping. She was a good girl today.

We’re wondering what we will do about the hardwood floors in our new home. We currently have jigsaw foam mats in our townhouse and they have broken many of Katie’s falls. Perhaps we will put a rug down or something.

Maybe we will have a special room for Katie to play in. My wife and I were talking about how many rooms we will have now…it’s hard to figure out exactly what we will do with what. I suggested that we put upstairs whatever we will use and put everything else in the basement. Once we build a garage we can gradually move the storage boxes and such from the basement and then deal with how we want the basement to look.

We will probably need to fence off part of the yard at some point…to keep the deer out and Katie in. Maybe we will get a dog for Katie to play with… Lots to think about but we have plenty of time…

1) Katie made a toothbrush drawing with stickers today.