Day #855 (Mon., May 7, 2012) – Ramona Returns

2012-05-07 - Popsicle Sticks
2012-05-07 - Popsicle Sticks

Our babysitter Ramona returned from her vacation today. My wife and I were both glad to have her back as it was becoming quite a challenge to cater to Katie and two jobs by ourselves. Katie was glad to see her as well. Ramona said that it was nice to be able to talk to a child of Katie’s age…one who will talk back with you when you talk.

Remember me mentioning that I got Katie some colored popsicle sticks a while back? Well you can see them and the other assortment of “goodies’ I have been picking up at the Dollar Store in the photo to the right.

While out on a walk with Katie this afternoon my wife got to meet a couple at the end of the road who have two children. One of them, Leah, is Katie’s age. Both parents are doctors. We also learned that there are two other girls in the neighborhood who are Katie’s age (Helen and another girl). It will be nice for Katie to be able to grow up in this neighborhood with girls of her own age. Soon they will be walking to school together and having sleep overs…

10:52pm – My wife was so tired that I took over trying to put Katie to bed. She was full of energy and certainly didn’t want to settle down. I decided that I would “reason” with her. I told her that daddy was very tired and he had to go to sleep so that he could go to work tomorrow. I also told Katie that she needed her sleep so that she would have plenty of energy for when Ramona took her to the park tomorrow. That did it…she quieted down and soon went to bed…

Daddy is off to sleep as well… Sounds of bullfrogs outside my window. What a racket…

1) It looks like Katie will have some girls her own age in our new neighborhood.