Day #937 (Sat., July 28, 2012) – “Pretend” Swimming Katie

2012-07-28 - Duplo Railway
2012-07-28 – Duplo Railway

We took Katie to Soup R’ Salad this evening. Katie has not been eating well all day so it was nice to see her nibbling on the various foods. When we got into the car to drive home I asked her what she liked the most. She said “pizza”…the one thing that she hadn’t tried. Go figure…

We now have a Duplo Railway to add to Katie’s collection of blocks and such… (see photo to the left).

While watching the Olympics this evening Katie got to see Ryan Lochte defeat Michael Phelps in the 400m. Soon afterwards she started to squirm around the bed. We were trying to figure out what we were doing then it dawned on us…she was swimming. Swimming Katie…

Katie decided that she would do my hair this evening. She got a couple of clothespins and started to pin them into my hair. That was not the worst part…she would grab onto my hair so tightly that she would rip it out…

Katie has started to say things like “I have to see daddy”. Not would like to or would love to but have to… This is usually when my wife is trying to put her to bed…

1) Katie was “pretend swimming” on the bed this evening.