Day #963 (Thu., Aug. 23, 2012) – Playmate For Katie
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We have the bedroom all set up for our guests (see photo to the right)…they are arriving this evening…
Remember the drawing book that I mentioned yesterday? Well my wife gave Katie a similar one today…only this one teaches you to draw animals. With a solid foundation in the basics of drawing who knows…Katie might be an artist one day.
This evening Katie met me at the car and asked for a “Special Present” so I went into the house and got her a package of little blue plastic policemen that I picked up for her at the Dollar Store a while back.
My wife’s friends from Lithuania arrived tonight and Katie sure enjoyed playing with their little boy. So much so that it was hard to put her to bed. Our friends went to bed early in hopes that if Katie didn’t see them she would calm down and go to bed. Uh Uh… In the end I bundled her up and drove her around our little neighborhood. I started off with my little talk about how all the animals were sleeping…and then a deer walked by. Katie didn’t see it fortunately. Eventually she started to calm down. By the time we got home I changed her diaper and put her to bed. Mission accomplished.
1) My wife’s friends from Lithuania have a little boy for Katie to play with.