Day #1133 (Sat., Feb. 9, 2013) – Emily For Dinner
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We did a Skype with my mother this morning. There was a huge snowstorm (i.e.: Nemo) the blew into Nova Scotia from Boston so there was lots of snow on the ground. Katie was pretending that she was a cat.
The photo to the right shows the Valentine’s Day gifts that my wife prepared for Katie’s babysitters, etc.
After breakfast we went to Home Depot to pick up some curtain rods for the master bedroom. I watched Katie while my wife picked out the ones she wanted. Katie ended up roaming around the store looking for the popcorn machine. She remembers the one that they had during Christmas. Unfortunately he was not there today, so, we ended up going on a “popcorn hunt”.
The first stop was Trader Joe’s on the way home. My wife did the shopping while I drove Katie around in the car. They did not have the Brazil nuts that she wanted, and Katie didn’t like the carmel corn she bought, so we ended up at Whole Foods. Once again, my wife did the shopping while I drove Katie around. Katie liked the popcorn this time.
Emily came over for dinner tonight. Katie was very happy to see her. We all had a hard time finishing our dinner as Katie wanted to play. Eventually I took over to playing with Katie so that Emily and my wife could chat. Eventually Katie her way around to everyone…
Once Emily left we had a hard time winding Katie down. We ended up taking a drive down Estes & Franklin and by the time we got home she was out…
1) Emily came over for dinner and to see Katie this evening.