Day #1211 (Sun., Apr. 28, 2013) – Returning A Camera
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As mentioned in previous posts Katie is really into decorations these days. The photo to the left shows one of the ones we made…a car. It was Katie’s idea to hang it from the doorknob.
It’s rather cloudy and miserable today so I guess we are going to be sticking pretty close to home. I made breakfast this morning. I usually make her an egg but I figured I would just make some for my wife and I. Katie sometimes is more eager to eat if she can have eggs or “whatever” off your plate. No such luck this morning. She didn’t touch anything on my plate. The fact that she woke up asking for gummy bears pretty well set the tone for her breakfast.
This afternoon I went to Sam’s Club. The #1 item on the agenda was to return the camera that we bought back in December when the other one went missing (we eventually found it in Katie’s backpack). They returned the camera no problem. The only issue was whether I would get a replacement, a gift card, or a full refund. In the end they gave me a full refund. We don’t really need another camera now since we found the original in Katie’s backpack.
Katie screamed and cried when the idea of a bath this evening came up. For some reason she really hates getting her hair shampooed. Once that’s over with she is fine…she will spend a lot of time splashing about in the tub and playing with her animals. Getting past that shampoo part is the only hurdle.
1) Katie wanted gummy bears for breakfast this morning.