Day #1251 (Fri., Jun 7, 2013) – Let’s Read Another Book…
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Katie has been playing a lot with the plush pony doll you see in the photo to the right as of late. Perhaps due to meeting Paintbrush a few days ago?
It was pouring all day today, so Alexa took Katie to Kidzu, the children’s museum. Because it was raining everyone was there…she could not find a parking space. So, they returned home. Alexa put a swimming suit on Katie and they went outside and played in the rain puddles.
After Katie’s nap my wife took her to our neighbors to get Zach the dog. As they were walking home they met our neighbor Stephen and they all took Zach for a walk in the neighborhood. As they were going by Helen’s house, Katie wanted to stop by and say hi, so Stephen took Zach home by himself.
When they got home I had some turkey burgers ready on the grill for Katie’s hungry tummy. My wife went to pick up Zach and he spent quite a while at our house this evening. Katie fed him dinner, laid down with him, read him books, played the toy drum and guitar for him, etc.
I was tired so I went to bed early this evening. I got up around 11:30am and thought I would go help my wife with Katie. That turns out not to be a good idea as Katie wants to play with me as opposed to calming down and going to bed. After trying to calm her down didn’t work I took over and my wife went to bed. I took a juice pack into Katie’s room where she was crying “I miss my daddy” and after a few sips we started to read books. First one, then another. After each one I thought she would go to bed but she would just get up and say “Let’s read another book”. After about four books she calmed down and laid in her bed and I put the blankets on her, turned on her night light, turned off the room light, and left. 1am…she’s out…
1) Katie tries to get daddy to let her stay up late more and more these days.