Day #1370 (Fri., Oct. 4, 2013) – Space Ghost
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Even though Katie has not been sleeping through the night the past few weeks she manages just fine at school. Today was “Combined Class” with the other Fish Class and Nature Explorer Day to boot.
My wife just received a voice mail that Margaret has a dentist appointment on Tuesday so Stephanie will be taking over on that day. I offered to stay home from work but it looks like everything has been taken care of.
This evening I showed Katie and episode of “Space Ghost” (see photo to the right)…a television show that I used to watch as a child. She watched it intently, at first, but soon wanted to play. I think she might like the name the best as there is a “Ghost” in the name.
Katie liked it when we play the game of “What Picture Is It”. Katie will paint a picture on her easel and I will tell her what it is. For example, a blue horse and a green cow are going into a red barn while a purple chicken plays in the background. I win each time as every time I ask Katie if I was right she says “”Yes”.
1) Katie is fascinated with “Space Ghost” these days.