Day #1395 (Tue., Oct. 29, 2013) – Margaret’s Animals

2013-10-29 - Margaret's AnimalsToday is Margaret’s last day as Katie’s babysitter. She gave her a bunch of the toy animals she used to play with when she was a kid (see photo to the right). They are really nice and heavy too. They must have cost a pretty penny. I’m sure Katie will really appreciate them as she grows older. She also gave Katie a DVD that she had when she was a child. I think it’s dawning on her how much she will miss Katie.

Margaret took Katie to the library today so Katie was very enthused about me reading the three books she picked up. As we were sitting in the LazyBoy I read them to her and she promptly made me read them to her again.

Katie is really into this clay animated penguin cartoon called “Pingu”. She will laugh and laugh at the antics.

My wife and I put two clocks up this evening. One in the living room and the other in the office.

1) Margaret gave Katie the toy animals she had as a child.