Day #1452 (Wed., Dec. 25, 2013) – Katie’s 4th Christmas

2013-12-25 - LegosWe started today off by gathering around the Christmas Tree and opening gifts. Katie got some Legos (see photo to the left), some Christmas books, a $5 digital camera and other assorted toys and gifts. Daddy got some sweaters and a remote control tarantula (which I think Katie liked the best). Mommy got a sewing machine box and a picture of Katie’s “Spin Art”.

I asked Katie if she had a good Christmas. She said it was too long and that she wished Halloween were here. I then motioned her to come over to me and explain to me why she liked Halloween. She said “Because Halloween has scary things and I like scary things”. That about sums it up I guess.

1) Katie prefers Halloween over Christmas.