Day #1503 (Fri., Feb. 14, 2014) – Snowed In Valentines!
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The roads are still icy and slick so my wife and I both worked from home today. Nicky did manage to navigate over to our house via her 4-wheel drive, so she took care of Katie. It can be very difficult to work from home with Katie around sometimes.
Sometimes I will turn the fan on in the bedroom (see photo to the left). Not because I’m hot and want to cool down, but because I want to sleep or nap and Katie’s voice can carry throughout the house. The fan helps to drown out the noise.
As I was passing Katie’s bedroom one of the cats was grabbing Isabelle the Giraffe’s neck by all four legs. It was knawing on the neck while giving it two scratches by the rear paws as well. Looks like they don’t like Isabelle too much. When we brought it home last week one of the cats was chewing on its tail.
Katie is just not herself these days. Perhaps it is because she was sick for a few days. Perhaps it is because she no longer has her suche. Perhaps it is because she is having a growth spurt. We’re not sure, but she whines and cries all the times it seems…at the drop of a hat. Let’s hope she gets over this soon.
1) Nicky drove over in her 4-wheel drive to take care of Katie today.