Day #1548 (Mon., Mar. 31, 2014) – Marie Says Bye
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Amy dropped off a number of “Feed The Pig” items for Katie at my desk this morning. I asked her if she could give me some when she was over on Saturday night.
Katie is on Spring Break this week so I don’t need to drop her off at school in the mornings. I saw Marie, Lucy’s sister-in-law, as I was driving to work today. She told me that she planned to bring Zach over to see Katie on the weekend but the weather was so miserable. I told her that they would love to have her whenever she wanted to drop by.
The shed is coming along nicely. The floor is done and one of the walls is up. It won’t be long now…
This evening my wife was taking Katie out for a walk and she would not listen to mommy and ran down to the brook. My wife was telling her to stop but she would not listen. As a result Katie was sent to her room this evening. There was a lot of crying and going on, but hopefully she learned her lesson.
Marie is leaving for Columbia tomorrow morning to see her sister. After that she is off to England and Ireland. She did give Katie a nice postcard (see photo to the left) and said that hopefully she could come and visit her and see the sea turtles one day.
1) Katie got a nice postcard with a sea turtle from Marie today.