Day #1575 (Sun, Apr. 27, 2014) – Daddy/Daughter Day #12

My wife took Katie to the newly opened Umstead Park down the road today. It was closed due to all the flooding we had over the past few months. Of course Katie had to pick out a special dress to wear. She is really into clothes and princesses as of late.

2014-04-27 - Search & FindI’m still not feeling the best but I want to get a Daddy/Daughter Day in this month. So, I decided that I would take Katie to YoPop for some ice cream and then home to unveil with the “Search & Find” book (see photo to the left) I got for her yesterday. This was actually the first time that Katie got to drive in daddy’s “New” 1995 Camry.

The nice thing about the “Search & Find” book (which comes with its own magnifying glass by the way) is that it is huge and can be reused. If you put a “x” next to the things you find for example you can put a “y” next to them when you play again. So this book will effectively last for years. Not a bad deal for $10…

1) My wife took Katie to Umstead Park down the street today.