Day #1632 (Mon., June 23, 2014) – Gym Camp

2014-06-23 - Relax RobinRobin loves to relax. Take a look at his tummy in the photo to the right. Doesn’t it look like a skunk’s head with two eyes peering out at you?

Today was Katie’s first day at Gym Camp. My wife sent me an email later on in the day:

So here we go again. All 20 3-4 year olds were happily sitting in the circle following the teacher Samantha while Katie was crying bloody murder. I called the camp at 10 am, talked to the teacher and Katie was fine! The director of the program was a bit surprised that such a big girl was crying as a 4-year old. She thought Katie was 7! 🙂

I stopped off at Moe’s on the way home from work to get a takeout. Katie saw the lemonade I brought back and she was all over it. She loves Moe’s chicken…one of the reasons we like to go there.

This evening we went for a walk down the road and back. We saw the neighbors playing basketball with their kids. The little boy is pretty good.

1) Katie was crying bloody murder at gym camp today.