Day #1687 (Sun., Aug. 17, 2014) – The Princess Hat
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Last night I came up with the idea to create a princess hat for Katie. It was approaching her bedtime so I told her that we would do it tomorrow. Well, today is the day.
You can see a picture of the finished product to the left. It consisted of four pieces of purple construction paper taped together. I then taped two strands of ribbon on one end of the paper and rolled it into a cone. It has a cut down the side as Katie would not sit still long enough for me to measure her head, so I had to adjust it once the finished product was made. The only problem with the hat was the two ribbons that secured it to her head. It would be much better to have some sort of an elastic to go around her head. I might pick that up at A.C. Moore when I am out and about.
Playing with jungle animals seems to be a thing of the past these days. Katie is much more into her arts and crafts. In fact she will often just want to stick around the house all day in order to do them.
1) Katie and I made a princess hat out of construction paper today.