Day #1848 (Sun., Jan. 25, 2015) – Lego Dance Party
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This morning Katie decided that she was going to have a Lego dance party. She aligned all of her Lego dancing couples up on the piano stool and then turned the recorded piano music on. You can see the festivities in the photo to the left.
This morning I attached both the white bookcase and the triangular bookcase to the wall in little Bobby’s room. We wanted to secure them in case he happens to crawl up on them at some point and they fall down hurting him.
This afternoon I tended to Katie while my wife took a nap. She had a bit of yogurt and some turkey bacon, but she really liked the gummy bear salad I made for her (gummy bears on a bed of cotton candy). What kid wouldn’t like that.
This evening Katie decided that she would change her attire before she went to bed. Unfortunately she forgot to put her diaper back on so my wife had to change her sheets before we went to bed. I held Katie in my arms so that she would not fully wake up.
My wife is in the process of compiling yet another annual book for Katie. I had to help edit it tonight as tomorrow is the last day you can order it and still get the huge discount.
1) Katie created a Lego dance party today.