Day #1999 (Thu., June 25, 2015) – Casey & Sam
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The photo to the left shows one of Katie’s latest creations.
Izzy came to take care of Katie this morning. I was saying that she should show Katie her tuba but since it’s summer she doesn’t have one. We’ll have to wait til school starts up again in the fall. Izzy took Katie home to see her dog Derby.
While Izzy was tending to Katie and little Bobby my wife took Katie to her African Animals Art Class. This is the first time that little Bobby has been left with someone other than a family member.
My wife has been asking Melanie to bring Katie’s swimsuit over. She said she would…but she didn’t.
Casey (the babysitter from New Hampshire) and Sam (her boyfriend from Maine) came over to visit this evening. Both Casey and Sam will be here to tend to Katie tomorrow morning. Sam will be tending to Katie next week.
No walking outside tonight as it looks like rain. The rain held off for a while so we could actually have made it to the University Mall and back home again.
The Supreme Court upheld Obamacare today.