Day #2529 (Tue., Dec. 6, 2016) – Jingle Bells Guitar Tab
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As I was leaving for work this morning I noticed a half-eaten plate of the chocolate waffles I had purchased last night at Trader Joe’s. Just as I suspected…Katie didn’t care for them. She loves waffles and she loves chocolate…just not the combination together.

On the drive to Glenwood I started singing “Rudolph The Red Nose Wildebeast” and Katie responded “Daddy, what am I going to do with you”…
Katie has expressed a desire to my wife to take singing lessons. Today my wife got an email from the Triangle Music School with a coupon for $15 off a trial lesson.
I printed out the guitar tab for Jingle Bells today (see photo to the right) so that I can learn it on guitar and accompany Katie on piano.
Bobby really enjoys his Hot Wheels. This evening he was putting the Spiderman Hot Wheels track we gave him on Thanksgiving through the motions. He’s really going to enjoy the larger track and 180 degree turn we are getting for him this Christmas.
I fed Bobby two jars of prunes and a large bowl of oatmeal as he watched “man” (i.e.: Spiderman) on YouTube this evening.
Whenever Bobby sees Katie on his bike or trike or “whatever” he will come over and push and harass till she gets off. He’s really too young to discipline at this age so we have just been telling Katie to “beware” of him.