Day #2629 (Thu., Mar. 16, 2017) – Katie Throws Up!
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Katie was complaining about her tummy hurting this morning. She threw up in the car as soon as we got into the line of cars at Glenwood. I drove her home.
As it turns out, Katie didn’t have strep throat, as Dr. Holman had originally thought. She did however have lots of hives.
While my wife was picking up a prescription for Katie she came across this Hot Wheels set. She didn’t buy it, but I’m sure that Bobby would love it.
I stayed home with Bobby while my wife took Katie to a “Countries” exhibit at Glenwood. My wife did up a huge poster on Lithuania. Katie wanted to leave soon afterwards as she was not feeling well. They got home just before 8pm.
I stayed home and tended to Bobby. He spent some time leafing through a coloring book this evening. He seemed fascinated with the way that the pages turned (see photo to the left). We also got out one of Katie’s buckets of animals and put them into the various drawers of the big 18-wheeler Hot Wheels case Bobby got for his birthday.