Day #233 (Tue., Aug 24, 2010) – A Book Worm?
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8:36pm and little Katie is sitting beside me on the bed playing with the remote control. When she clicks on the buttons the red infrared light comes on and she gets a big kick out of that. She also likes the little bows that are on her green pants. She tries to pry them off and put them into her mouth, but they just will not come free.

Little Katie loves her plush doggie. If you pretend that it is moving towards her she will squeal with delight.
My wife sent me a link to the Kick N Learn Piano. It would be a great little device for little Katie given that she loves the piano…and to kick…
My wife tells me that she has never seen little Katie so interested in books. Not only does she turn pages and carefully examine them, but she has preferences as well! She needs that one and not this one and lets you know about that. 🙂
Remember the trip to JC Penney’s on Sunday? Well the photo to the left shows one of the dresses that my wife bought. It’s amazing how much you can save if you do a bit of homework and shopping around. If you just go to the store and pick up children’s toys and clothes you can lay out a small fortune. The total cost of the dress on the left is effectively $2.50. How sweet of a deal is that?
1) Little Katie is showing more interest in reading books.