Day #4956 (Tue., Aug. 1, 2023) – Botanical Gardens
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I picked up Bobby at the “Cosmic Summer Camp” at the Planetarium just before noon today (see photo to the left). He told me that today they had a field trip to the Botanical Gardens. He also used something called “Model Magic” to make a dinosaur.
On the drive home Bobby mentioned that he was tired. I told him that we would soon be home and he could take a nap. That sure perked him up!!! He suddenly got a burst of energy once he realized napping was an option. It’s funny how napping is such a horrible thing at his age, but a wonderful thing once you get daddy’s age.
Katie told me that she is happy with the plot that we came up with at Panera Bread the other day. She is developing the characters of the novel now. We watched a YouTube video the other day on how Quentin Tarantino developed his screen plays & characters, so perhaps this helped.
This evening it was announced that Donald Trump has been indicted yet again. This time it is for the events surrounding January 6th.