Day #5270 – (Mon., June 10, 2024) – Capturing Binx!

2024-06-10 - Mini Cat Tree

Batman really enjoys the “mini cat tree” that Katie has in her room (see photo to the left).

Well, it looks like Binx the cat is under the cabinets in the dining room! My wife saw him run out last night and run back! Maple has been whining when she went to this area, so I guess she was right, it was not just the smell, but a CAT! The kids have heard meowing sounds coming from this area as well.

I sent an email to cancel my Panera Bread “Sip Club” membership, and I received an email this morning that it was done… Sorry to see Panera Bread go as there are no outlets on Vancouver Island, but there is always Tim Hortons!

I went to Shopper’s Drug Mart in Courtenay this afternoon to pick up some skin cream. Of course, no public washrooms. It is in the heart of the “homeless” population. I used their automatic checkout, but had to sign a form at the cash register. Not sure why, perhaps because I was using an American credit card and not a local debit card?

Next up, Dollarama, to get some $1 and $2 Canadian coins to put in shopping carts! No longer do I want to have to lift and lug bags and carts through the various stores. I put them in the cup in the van for easy access, but will take some of them for our new “Camry?” once we get it. I purchased some Jasmine rice for the chicks to peck on, but they didn’t seem to like it much.

I then went practically across the street to COSTCO to sign up for a membership card. What a pain. They weren’t going to take my application as I didn’t have an ID with my photo and current address on it, but I remembered the “Law of Attraction”, thought pleasant thoughts, and the guy’s manager overruled and okayed it. I could not pay with my RBC debit card as there were not enough funds, and could not use a Visa, but was able to pay the $120 for the “Executive” membership with my Sam’s Club Mastercard. If it’s not worth it I will scale it back to the regular $60 membership plan in a year. I then went to the food court where I got a hot dog and coke for only $1.50! What a deal!

When I got home Al, his wife (who is from Perth), and Maurene, were there trying to get Binx the cat out from the area beneath out cupboards. Maurene will be coming back at 10 pm tonight to try and coax him out. Al might need to cut the boards and get it out tomorrow as Maurene has a vet appointment for diabetes shot for the cat.

Maurene told us about the kids in the neighborhood. The new family at “Grey Gables” has three small children. There are a number of kids riding scooters on the street. There is a 15 year old boy named “Callum?” who did some work for Maurene. Apparently a nice boy, who will actually talk to you like a normal person, and whose mother is a pharmacist, and father does bathroom & tile work.

I had lasagna dinner with the family. I went back to the “Suite In The Barn” to update this blog while the rest of the family went for a walk in the neighborhood. Bobby took his scooter (see photo to the left), which is fully charged now.