Day #516 (Fri., June 3, 2011) – Katie The Crayon Kid

8am – My wife and I are up. Katie has been crying and moaning all night…but didn’t get up. Perhaps her molars are coming through…

8:30am – Katie is up. My wife has to go see her PhD Adviser, so I’m “baby sitting” Katie the Crayon Kid this morning. She is up…but she is already yawning. I suspect once she has her breakfast she will be off to bed.

2011-06-03 - Katie And The Dragon
2011-06-03 - Katie And The Dragon

9:30am – Right…Katie is in bed…

This evening we went to Moe’s for supper. This time she followed me to the counter and my wife picked her up so that she could see all the goodies. As usual, Katie stared the staff down.

After eating we drove to the “Dragon Park” in Cary (see photo to the right). Katie is much more mobile than the last time we were there and spent a lot of time running around and seeing the various sites. There were some kids playing with a water fountain (and making a little brook out of the water), so Katie was fascinated with that.

My wife had to put Katie into the car for me. I seem to have sprained my back in getting her out. She is getting heavier and it is very awkward to get her out of the baby seat in the middle of the back seat of the car. I’m going to go to the fire department and have them put it on the edge of the back seat so that I can reach her easier.

1) Katie the Crayon Kid is gradually marking up anything that doesn’t move.