Day #527 (Tue., June 14, 2011) – Pail And Shovel
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I went to the Dollar Store today and picked up a number of things for Katie.
1) Plastic cups. They are actually little plastic shot glasses. Katie loves them, mostly because they are of the same size and she can stack them. I happened to crush one under the bottom of my LazyBoy and it splintered into tons of little pieces. So, I guess that Katie will not be playing with them after this evening. We can’t risk her putting these sharp pieces into her mouth.
2) Wipeable board. It comes with its own marker, but once I saw Katie put it into her mouth I knew that the marker had to go. She can draw on it with her washable crayons.
3) Coloring Book. Two coloring books actually. It seems that you can never have enough coloring books as far as Katie is concerned. The more books you have to “patch”, the less chance the crayon marks will get on everything else in the house.
4) Sketching Pad. Basically a blank drawing pad so daddy can draw some stuff and Katie can “patch” it.
5) Paper Plates. My wife likes to take them to Moe’s to put Katie’s food on when we are out and about.

6) Magnetic Letters and Numbers. Basically wooden pieces with magnets on the back. A great idea to teach Katie to learn to spell and count. Right now we have them on the fridge, but if we can find a good metal board it would be even more convenient.
This evening I took Katie to the Dragon Park. This is the first time I took her to a park by myself. My wife wanted to stay home and work. She had a great time. You can see her climbing through a tube in the photo to the left. A boy let her use his pail and shovel in the sand…she got a kick out of that.
1) Katie had great fun with a pail and shovel at the Dragon Park.