Day #624 (Mon., Sept 19, 2011) – Munching On Cereal

I was up late doing some work and was just about to go to bed after midnight when Katie got up. I took her out of her crib and she came out to the living with me. I made her some warm milk and put some bran and granola in a bowl for her to much on. She sat on my lap as we watched MASH and the Beverly Hillbillies. Oh, and she knows what a “Jeep” is now…I pointed it out while MASH was on. She took great delight in saying “Jeep”, “Jeep”, all through the show.

Katie was very funny as we were watching television. I think she liked the combination of bran and granola as opposed to her usual cheerios. She would take a bit handful of them and stuff them into her face. As she was munching I could tell that her saliva was drying up so she would quickly grab for the milk and suck and suck til she was no longer thirsty. This combination surely filled her up and she was soon ready for bed.

2011-09-19 - New Shoes
2011-09-19 - New Shoes

I found this whole experience quite entertaining and Katie would turn around to see what I was laughing at. She would then start to fill my mouth with cereal. This went on for quite a bit and figuring that she would get carried away with feeding me and not herself I refused to eat any more. No problem, she went back to stuffing herself with the cereal.

Around 1:45am…one and 3/4 hour later, I took her to her crib and she went to sleep.

Katie has been outgrowing her shoes like crazy. The photo to the left shows the latest selection of shoes that my wife picked up at a consignment sale recently. Wonder how long before she outgrows these?

1) Katie knows what a “Jeep” is now.