Day #4938 (Fri., July 14, 2023) – Cobb House

Today is the last day of Spence’s Farm Camp.  Katie was not feeling well so she stayed home today, but Bobby went.  When I picked him up this afternoon he was climbing the tree next to the farm house with Ethan, one of their favorite activities. My wife gave me another list of things to…

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Day #3860 (Fri., July 31, 2020) – Tennis Ball Launcher

The photo to the right shows the tennis ball launcher that we bought for Maple. It’s a “Nerf”…so it’s not a gimmicky sort of thing. You basically put a tennis ball into the entrance and jump on it, the same principle as the jump rockets, and away the tennis ball will go. Maple loves it…but…

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Day #365 (Mon., Jan. 3, 2011) – Light Switch “Off”

I’m still fighting the flu, so I decided that I would take today off work. My wife is getting a cold or “something”. Hopefully she is not getting what I got. Little Katie is gradually returning to her former self. She is becoming less fussy and is generally happy to be back home with all…

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