Day #721 (Sun., Dec 25, 2011) – Katie’s 2nd Christmas
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7:05am – I’m up early today so I Skyped mom to see how things are going. My sister and brother-in-law are coming for breakfast. We plan to Skype later in the day once Katie gets up so that we can show her opening her gifts. Katie’s schedule has been so erratic these days that I have no idea when that will happen…
10:30am – Katie is up…let the festivities begin. We had dualing Skype sessions with my wife’s mom on one laptop and my mother on the other…then we opened the gifts. They both got to see us all open the gifts and see Katie run around with delight. Katie was very fascinated with putting bows on daddy’s head and measuring everything in arms length with a measuring tape.
Here’s the main gifts… Katie got a nice adjustable basketball stand from my mother and I got a cell phone and my wife got a parafin bath. Katie got books and dolls, a Christmas ornament that says “Katie” and a wooden bear puzzle that you can put clothes on. Oh and we got a DVD collection of Christmas stories that we can play in the DVD player in the car. I also got a Turkish coffee pot and Turkish coffee.

My wife was saying how she wanted to have a wooden baby crib for a doll. We did a lot of searching on the web this evening and while there are some for sale we worry that they may not be robust enough. I told her that I could make one (see design to the right)…so it turns out that is my next project. I’ll make it so that if Katie sits in it (and she will), it will not break. We’re thinking of painting it yellow…that will be pretty.
Katie enjoyed running around today and playing with her toys. We had a hard time putting her to bed…eventually a bit after midnight.
1) Katie enjoyed opening her Christmas presents this morning.