Day #756 (Sun., Jan. 29, 2012) – My Nap Ritual For Katie

We had another Skype session with my mother this morning as we were unable to get a connection yesterday. I showed her how the baby doll crib is coming along. Sure enough, as soon as Katie saw it she got inside it…jumped on it a bit…and then sat down in it. Sure makes me happy that I decided to make it extra tough. No way she is going to break this crib.

2012-01-29 - Tissues
2012-01-29 - Tissues

Katie got into the box off tissues today (see photo to the right).

Katie wouldn’t go to bed for her nap this afternoon so I let my wife go to bed while I tended to her. I just let her watch a bit of television then I take her to the nursery to change her diaper. I ask her if she enjoyed her morning and a bit of a story. When I put her to bed I lay the sleeping blanket out flat…she seems to like that. I then arrange her dolls around her and read her a bit of a story. I turn the Waterfall Soother on and then say goodnight. This seems to work…at least a lot of the time.

I took Katie to the park this afternoon while my wife cleaned up the living room. We ended up at the park near Lochmere…it’s been a while since she has been there. She started off by trying out the slide and then she quickly moved onto the swing. After a stint in the sandbox she went back to the swing, then the toucan, then the slide, and then…”roam”. We ended up near the basketball court. Eventually I asked her if she wanted to go watch “Mary Poppins” and home and she walked over to the car. In the end we were gone for a good 2.5 hours.

1) Katie got into the box of tissues today.