Day #905 (Tue., June 26, 2012) – Mommy To Bed Early

Our babysitter told us that at the children’s museum there was a little boy making soup. When he put eggs into the soup Katie rushed up to him and waved her finger at him and said “No, no, no…no eggs in the soup”. Ramona and the boy’s mother got quite the chuckle out of that.

My wife is still not feeling the best so she went to bed soon after I got home from work. I tended to Katie while my wife slept.

We started off on the bed where we made a tent and took inside some Play Doh, coins, and stones. When Katie started to throw the stones at daddy this activity soon ended.

We worked our way out to the living room and had a snack. Daddy and Katie eating our own special bowls of cheerios, dried blueberries and goat’s milk.

Katie started to complain that she couldn’t find her balloon so when I told her that I knew where it was she lit up with delight. I went to the car and got it…where she left it on Sunday. That provided a bit more fun. Soon we were on the floor playing with blocks and shapes.

2012-06-26 - Sticker Cartoons
2012-06-26 – Sticker Cartoons

When Katie started to complain that she wanted to see mommy I knew that I needed to have something to distract her quick. We ended up putting stickers of Disney characters on paper and drawing bodies around them (see photo to the right). The next step was to put stickers on each of Katie’s toes and fingers.

Around 9:15pm my wife got up. I guess that Katie’s crying woke her. I know that I can hear Katie crying at the other end of the house…her voice sure does travel.

1) My wife went to bed early so I tended to Katie this evening.