Day #906 (Wed., June 27, 2012) – The New Guitar Arrives

2012-06-27 - New Guitar
2012-06-27 – New Guitar

The new acoustic guitar arrived today (see photo to the left) along with two songbooks. It’s quite a nice guitar for the price and one of the songbooks deals with children’s songs and the other one is music featured on the “Sound of Music” musical. I don’t think Katie liked the noise of me tuning the guitar much but we did do some of the songbook songs like “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” and “Bingo”. I think she will grow into it more and more as she gets older.

We can’t find the remote control to the television in the living room and have practically taken the house apart looking for it. Not sure if it was misplaced due to lack of sleep or perhaps Katie stashed it somewhere. We decided to purchase another one as this one will show up eventually and we can always use a spare for the next time this happens.

Katie has gotten into the habit of running behind my wife and I and trying to pull our pants down. Not sure where she picked up this habit from?

1) Katie has gotten into the habit of running behind us and trying to pull our pants down.