Day #977 (Thu., Sept. 6, 2012) – Friendly Giant Videos
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Emily (our new babysitter) and Katie are getting along tremendously well. My wife told me that when they were going to the park today Katie just climbed into the back of her car and waved goodbye to my wife. They really do get along well.
At noon today I drove out to the house in Cary to see why the gas fire logs are not working. Couldn’t fix it but the igniter is producing spark. I think gas is not getting to the logs. Time to call in a gas expert.
It was raining like mad in Chapel Hill today. You can see Katie playing in the water in the photo to the right. Water is still coming into our basement when it rains. Looks like we are going to have to get some gutters once the house in Cary sells.
Katie loves to come up to my wife and I and ask us to play some YouTube videos of songs. She has been really addicted to “Old MacDonald” as of late but tonight I showed her some videos of toddlers dancing and even some Friendly Giant videos from my childhood in Canada.
1) Katie is addicted to “Old MacDonald” Videos.