Day #984 (Thu., Sept. 13, 2012) – Enter Blue Play Doh
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Katie slept through the night…which is great considering she was so sick last night. Looks like the worst is behind us now…
Emily took Katie to Umstead Park and she played with a lot of sand toys and other kids.
Emily made some blue Play Doh for Katie today. When mixed with the aquamarine she made the other day it becomes grey (see photo to the left).
Katie is very fussy today…probably the after effects of last night.
Katie is starting to throw things at daddy and doesn’t seem to understand that it is wrong. The other day she hit me in the lip with her toy giraffe. This evening she hit me in the forehead with one of her wooden blocks. This is something that we are going to have to continue to work on to get her to stop…she needs to understand what is play and what is not.
1) Katie has been throwing things at daddy as of late.