Day #1016 (Mon., Oct. 15, 2012) – Sleeping On Daddy’s Lap
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How can I possibly not show a picture of the plastic rat that Katie got at the Dollar Store yesterday? The photo to the left pretty well says it all…
Katie got my wife and I up in the middle of the night. She is still not well…whiny and crying. We gave her some child’s ibuprofin and within 20 minutes she was fine. It’s funny…it’s like a lightswitch.
This evening she was lying on the master bed and when I tucked her in with a blanket she put her head on my lap. I asked her if she wanted a nice pillow and she said “No, I want to sleep on your lap”.
Apparently when Katie hit her head on Sunday there was some blood in her mouth. One of our doctor friends said that you should check to make sure that her teeth were not loose and that they do not turn grey.
My wife had to tend to some things this evening so I took care of Katie. She was real fussy…she wanted her mommy. My secret weapon was the box of giant sponge dominoes. We started off by building a house for the black rat toy she got yesterday. Of course, as usual, Katie’s greatest entertainment was in knocking it down. I then assembled two high piles of them so that Katie could step on them. I held her as she fell over…she got a great kick out of that.
The good thing is that Katie started to eat this evening. She likes KFC biscuits for some reason. They sell a healthier brand at Trader Joe’s that I’ll get the next time I’m there.
1) Katie took quite a hit yesterday…there is blood in her mouth.