Day #1035 (Sat., Nov. 3, 2012) – Spence’s Farm
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My wife is meeting Rebecca, another potential babysitter, in the park today. I had to go to Lowe’s to get some supplies for chores around the house (like a hook to secure the armoire in Katie’s room to the wall and shelves for the food pantry at the entrance to our house) so I met them there afterwards.
Rebecca was very nice, and young, which is very important when you are trying to keep up with an active child like Katie. She used to live in Austria and on an Indian Reservation in California so she has seen a bit of the world. She told us that her brother has some pigs and chickens…which Katie will certainly love. She also told us about Spence’s Farm…where she used to take riding lessons.
While my wife made arrangements with Rebecca I tended to Katie. Katie was very subdued and quiet this morning. My wife says it is because she is very tired. She seems to be very clingy to me as of late.

This evening, after Katie’s nap, we went to Spence’s Farm and walked around. They had horses to pat (see photo to the left) and chickens to chase after. Quite the place for a youngster like Katie who loves animals.
After our visit to Spence’s Farm we went to Maple Dairy Farms for some ice cream. There were not many people there…which is a surprise for a Saturday night. I guess that many people consider it too cold for ice cream.
1) We took Katie to Spence’s farm to see the animals this evening.