Day #1034 (Fri., Nov. 2, 2012) – Down Goes The Crib
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Our babysitter Christina said that she would rather not work so many hours so we are on the hunt for a new babysitter again. She did say that she is willing to stay til we find someone. This evening we had an interview with our first potential candidate…Irene.
Irene came by the house at 7pm. She is an elderly lady that sometimes takes care of her grandson. Interesting fact, at only 8 years old he already has memorized the map of Chapel Hill. He gave Irene directions on how to get here. Sure beats wasting your time learning all about the Kardashians or Snooky.
Irene used to live on a boat and they traveled to Puerto Rico and the Bahamas and even to Cape Canaveral. She said that she would enjoy taking care of Katie, and Katie did like her. We are going to interview a few more candidates before we decide.

When Irene left for the evening the real chore began…dismantling the crib. It is taking up a lot of space in Katie’s room and since she sleeps in the big bed now it is just as well to take it down and get it out of the way. We also don’t want Katie to get the idea that she can go back and sleep in it at some point. You can see her new bedroom layout in the photo to the right.
1) Katie no longer has a crib in her bedroom. Our little baby is grown up now.