Day #1098 (Sat., Jan. 5, 2013) – Let The Festivities Begin!
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My wife and I got up early to prepare the house for the jungle animals, sorry, children, that were about to arrive. Ramona, Katie’s former babysitter, arrived early to help us prepare sandwiches, which was a great help. While they busied themselves in the kitchen I went outside to crack coconuts.

People started arriving for Katie’s birthday party at 10am today. We were expecting 10 kids to come but only 8 came in the end. Six from Katie’s class and two girls from our neighborhood.
We gave each child a bag of party favors that included:
- An animal mask (see Katie the lion in the photo to the right)
- A “pith” helmet
- Jungle animal stickers to decorate the pith helmet
- A set of binoculars
- A magnifying glass
They all settled in to play with the various games and toys that we had assembled around the living room.
We had a “pin the nose on the lion game” and a “jungle animal bean bag toss game”. We were thinking of having each child put their masks on and we would have a “Jungle Animal Parade”, but it was in reality a bit like “herding cats”…they all went in their own direction and did their own thing. No matter…they all had a wonderful time and that is all that matters. Even the adults enjoyed talking and getting to know each other better.
This evening we had a Skype session so that my mom could see Katie open some of her birthday gifts.
1) Katie had her third birthday party today!