Day #1125 (Fri., Feb. 1, 2013) – Bathing Walnuts

Katie got up around 8am this morning. My wife had an appointment so I took care of Katie til Becca arrived around 9am. She watched about 3 episodes of Berenstain Bears on television while I made her breakfast. Turkey bacon, eggs, some jam and almond butter and toast with warm milk. As usual, she didn’t eat it…

2013-02-01 - Walnut Bath
2013-02-01 – Walnut Bath

I still have a bad cough and Katie notices it as well. Dr. Katie will bring out her doctor’s kit and go through the ritual to help me feel better. I don’t mind the stethoscope or ear checking device…it’s the thermometer that gets to me. Katie insists on putting it inside my mouth. I try to fake it but Katie will not relent. Heaven knows where that thing has been. Yeech…

This evening Katie was playing in the office and all of a sudden I heard my wife shreak. Katie had filled up the crib that I had given her with water and walnuts (see photo to the right). When my wife asked her why she did that she replied “I wanted to give the walnuts a bath”. Given her propensity to make a mess, and her love of water, watch out…

1) Katie gave some walnuts a bath in her doll crib this evening.