Day #1150 (Tue., Feb. 26, 2013) – House Full Of Kids

2012-02-26 - Playing With Henry
2012-02-26 – Playing With Henry

Becca took Katie to play with May and West at their place this morning. A standard 3 hour nap in the afternoon.

When I arrived home from work today Henry (see “Henry And The Rocket Balloons”) and his sister were at our house playing with Katie (see photo to the right). Katie was some excited. She was running around laughing and yelling. She sure loves to play with kids. Henry enjoyed playing with our “Whack A Mole” game…in fact too much…we had to take the hammer away from him. His sister was much more docile…she is 2 years old and just wanted to follow my wife around and talk.

After I went to bed Katie started screaming saying that she wanted her daddy. Apparently she hurt her nose jumping up and down on the bed so my wife brought her to me. A little bit of television and milk and then back to bed.

1) Katie enjoyed playing with Henry and his sister today.