Day #1154 (Sat., Mar. 2, 2013) – Ssshhh…Mommy Is Sleeping
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The photo to the right snows a cardinal in the trees out our back window. The contrasting red really stands out. I think it’s great that Katie can grow up with all this nature around her.
Katie got up at 6:30am this morning crying for milk. She refused to drink milk last night she was rightfully hungry. I was hoping that she would return to bed but she had other plans. Soon she was up watching television and playing. This continued til my wife got up later in the morning.
My wife went to get supplies at Trader Joe’s this morning while I tended to Katie. we did a Skype with my mother. Katie was not too eager to talk to her til I told her that mom lived near Santa Claus and the polar bears. Soon she was singing her rendition of “Yankee Doodle” and “Old McDonald’s”. I got the whole segment, 10 minutes in length, on video. Things like that will be priceless one day.
My wife went to bed early this evening and I took care of Katie. After a bit of jungle animal play and various cartoons she told me that she wanted to go to bed…around 9pm. I happily obliged but I should have known that it was just a ploy. As soon as I left her room I heard the light go on. Soon she was yelling out “Daddy, I lost my suche (i.e.: pacifier”” and “Daddy, I need to go to go pee”). When I went to get her she said “I lost my suche, see…” and made a smacking sound with her lips.
Around 10:10pm Katie realized that mommy was sleeping and said “Ssshhh… Mommy is sleeping” in a quiet voice. Before I knew it she was in the bedroom waking her up. She was soon under the covers… My wife’s up…her turn to take care of Katie now…
1) Katie thinks of ingenious things these days so she doesn’t have to go to bed.