Day #1261 (Mon., Jun 17, 2013) – New Tea Set
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When I arrived home from work this evening Katie was still napping. She finally got up at 7pm, which means we are in for a long night…
Katie wanted to play with the squirt guns out on the patio this evening. We started off by soaking a few spiders. I then lit the citronella candle and we took turns extinguishing it.
I was pretty beat this evening so I went to bed early while my wife took over tending to Katie. This can be quite the challenge as Katie has become very clingy to me and won’t let me go to bed. My wife coaxed her out of the bedroom with the promise of a present.
At midnight my wife woke me telling me that she could not take it any more. Daddy’s turn to take care of our little energizer bunny. When I went out to the living room she was bouncing on the LazyBoy yelling “Wheee…” Gonna be a long night.
After playing with the present my wife gave her, a nice tea set (see photo to the right), and watching a few cartoons, Katie said that she was sleepy and walked to her bed. I read her a story and just before I turned out the lights Katie had one last gasp. “I want some milk” she said. I went to the kitchen and got her bottle and brought it to her. She didn’t drink it but gave me the story book for another rendition. After this she was too tired to hold out. 1:06am…Katie is sleeping…
1) Katie got a new tea set this evening.