Day #1277 (Wed., July 3, 2013) – Fancy Lollipop
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I have so much vacation time coming to me I decided to take today and Friday off at work. I made plans to do other things but alas, Alexa called in sick. Fortunately my wife has a number of vacation days coming to her as well, so she will take care of Katie while I tend to errands.
I went to Wal-Greens to get my wife’s prescription and while there saw a card game. I’m always on the lookout for games that I think Katie will like, so I picked this one up as it was on sale for only $0.99. At the checkout I got two fantastic lollipops for her (see photo to the right). There were $0.50 each, and she will get on if she has been a very good girl. Any whining or complaining…no lollipop for you.
I went to Trader Joe’s on the way home this evening. Got over $200 worth of groceries…ouch. At least it will last us through the July 4th weekend. Plenty of “gummy bears” for Katie as she has taken a real shine to them as of late.
This evening I asked Katie if she was a good girl today. The plan was to give her one of the fancy lollipops if she said yes. “Actually daddy” she replied…then told me how she was fussy at the park today. Hmmm… So I said, “Are you going to be a good girl tomorrow with no complaining and fussing”? When she replied “yes” I gave her the watermelon lollipop. After sucking it for about five minutes she said it was delicious and gave me a hug.
Later this evening my wife asked Katie about school. Here was her reply: “I’ll tell you what I do at school. I play at school, I don’t share at school. Teachers put me to sit when I don’t share”.
1) Katie told us that she doesn’t share when she is at school.